Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Lecture 2: A 20,000 Year Non-Linear History Of The Image

Aims of the lecture: 

- Give a range of visual communication from different cultures and contexts
- Demonstrate how creative and tangential connections can be taught by diverse examples

Visual communication and images provide us with lots of creative juxtapositions.

I am hoping this lecture can provide me with visual resources that may help when solving briefs- give me a creative outlook on how to approach the brief and what to research into. It will also provide some political and philosophical approaches that may be useful again to give me a different outlook on a brief but also help with the COP essays.

The power of the image is very primal, it can be immensely persuasive and powerful. As a graphic designer I am well aware of this which means it heavily influences my practise.

Cy Twombly

Cy Twombly's work is very expressive which creates a powerful and spiritual feeling when looking at his work. The work may appear to have no meaning but it can be interpreted in many different ways meaning the image becomes incredibly powerful and emotive.

Rothko Chapel, Houston, Texas

The experience of going to an art gallery now can be very emotional, this idea is shown through the above image, Rothko's Chapel in Texas. Rothko was an artist who sadly committed suicide so the chapel was created showing this particular work where the canvas' are incredibly dark and dull. When looking at these images, some people began to cry finding the experience of looking at the images emotional knowing about the tragic end to his life. 

In the 21st Century it could be argued that nothing every really happens unless it is recorded, taking a photo and putting it on to social media. This is the platform that creates power and impact through the image and the power of the image making itself. This could be by-products of capitalism- for example the 'Mona- Lisa collectables'. 

Mona Lisa in the Louvre gallery
Again going back to the idea nothing happens unless it is recorded. 
The far distance from the people and the painting creates an aura of greatness, making it more powerful. However, is it only powerful because we are told it is? Degrading the authority of the art-world.

Banksy, Mona Lisa (2013) 
This artwork was produced in the street for free but because the art world decide Banksy is worth attention people now knock down walls and place this work in a gallery meaning it is no longer viewed as graffiti.

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