Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Sunday 4 August 2019

COP3: Evaluation

Overall, after approaching my practical brief in a new way, I think this brief response has been a lot more successful and I have definitely hit all of the Learning Outcomes more efficiently. As I knew from the start I would not be physically creating the mindfulness space, I think I struggled with how to execute the ideas and how to produce some graphic design work to submit. After re thinking how this could be done, the idea of creating a pitch to put forward to individuals within Leeds Arts University seemed the best option to have as an end product. In order to do this, I still needed to have some design work that would support this. Firstly, it was suggested to look at the design elements that would go into this space, I chose to interpret this and to gather all the information I needed (what design elements would be used within the space) and translate this into an infographics poster. Having this meant I had some design work to submit but also a visual way of presenting my research and information that would be included within the pitch. Moreover, I also chose to create promotional material for this brief which would be used to benefit the students and make them aware of the space available. This also meant I used graphic design skills to create posters which meant I was happy with the work I was going to submit. Also, as I am not physically designing the space it allows the brief to have more substance to it, without it just being written ideas on a page.

Furthermore, I think the work being submitted for this module responds well to the brief as I am creating physical work but also directly linking my work to the essay piece. Therefore, I have created a practical response to my essay and have drawn on the research of how mindfulness can benefit design, using my target audience as university students as I felt these were the individuals that would benefit mostly from it.

COP3: Project Statement

Project Statement

To what extent can design be used for a person’s mindfulness? I chose this question and theme because over the past few years I have become more aware with the term mindfulness and the positive benefits it can have on a person. Having some knowledge and understanding already surrounding this topic, I knew that this would benefit me in terms of knowing where to look and what to look for research starting points and also the ability to have a sensitive approach to the question and possibly touch upon areas of mental health. 

From carrying out this research, it became apparent in the early stages that the responses to the question within my essay would pretty much all be positive and highlight the great extent to which design can be used in relation to mindfulness. Researching into literary sources and websites gave me the chance to look at both practicing designers and professors, getting a good understanding of the positive benefits for a person when they begin to consider mindfulness within their daily lives. Within my essay, I looked at both how design itself can have a positive impact on a person’s mindfulness and also how being mindful can help benefit a person’s design work. With this in mind, it became clear that my initial idea of creating a mindful space where people could go to relax would be an interesting approach to take because I would take the points made within the essay and translate them into a design piece. 

Moreover, deciding to create a space for students within Leeds Arts University was becoming a great option because it would allow me to create an environment that draws from what I learnt through writing the essay. From looking at Martino Gamper’s, Design is a State of Mind exhibition, I took from that how he wanted to stress the importance of everyday objects and how they influence a person’s behavior, this was related to my practical piece through figuring out what kind of objects would be most beneficial to include within the space in order to allow students to focus on being mindful and take away their stresses. Another key bit of research that I translated into the design piece was from the Mindfulness Design Company and their article on the key benefits of mindfulness for design. As two key points were focus and creativity, I drew on that within the space created and it allowed me to create an environment where students could focus their mind on something that isn’t university work, whilst still allowing them to be creative.

The conclusions made in both my essay and design piece were that design has an incredibly positive impact on a person’s mindfulness, especially as it allows them to focus their mind on something to take away a lot of stresses they may feel. I think the conclusions made within my essay reflect my practical piece as they highlight the importances of being more mindful and show people various ways in which they can carry out mindfulness activities. 

Finally, if I were to make any improvements or do anything differently within this module, I would focus it on the practical element as I think the final outcome could have been executed better if I had taken more time to think about how I could present the ideas through sketches and drawings as I think they are explained a lot clearer through my explanations of why each thing has been designed that way and why I have placed a certain object in an area. I think this can be excused to some extent as I have created design work to back up my ideas for the space and to really show my intentions and thought processes through it, this is heavily shown through the infographics poster.

COP3: Practical- Pitch Presentation Slides

These are the presentation slides that I would pitch to the university in order to make the space happen.

COP3: Practical- Promotional Posters Final

This is a final mock up of how each of the posters would look as a set placed around the university. I am pleased with how they have turned out and think these posters would be a success around uni as they would definitely create some conversation about what the space exactly is, intriguing students to go and find out more about it. The colour scheme evokes calming and relaxing vibes to them, through the two colour neutral pallet.

COP3: Practical- Promotional Posters Development


As well as the other two posters, I still wanted to have a poster that included a bit more information on it. I think if the space is within the university it needs to have the room where the space is set up which I have included within a quick vector plant drawing I have created. I used the same colour scheme through each poster so that it was obvious they were a set- and I think they have worked successfully. 

COP3: Practical- Promotional Posters Development

This was a thought I had regarding the promotional posters, they would be placed with a set of 3 around university and would be hung from the celling at A3 size.

I came up with this idea as they almost look like book covers, they're simple and neutral therefore have a calming feel to them. I really like how these two posters are just text with no imagery, I think this will allow the students to really take in the information and consider their breathing techniques. 

COP3: Practical- Promotional Posters

Having some promotional posters to advertise the space is something that is important as they can be placed around the university so students are aware of the space being created and know that it exists. It can create a buzz and excitement around something meaning the space will gather up attention.

This also means I will have some graphic design work to submit for this module as that is the key thing to consider in order to pass the module.

What the poster should include:

  • Name of space
  • Brief description of space
  • Mindfulness definition
  • Where the space is within the university 
  • Some imagery/ shapes
  • Doesn't have to be limited to one poster, could be a collection
  • One with the mindfulness definition on it- don't want to overcrowd the poster
  • Another with the information on the space and where to find it
  • Neutral and simple colours
  • Readable typography 
  • Minimal text 
  • Large enough to be seen on posters