Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Friday 17 March 2017

Study Task 07 - SB2 - Pitching your ides / further developments

While this was only a short study task to complete, I found it very useful in terms of knowing which direction to take my project to next as at that moment in time I was not 100% sure how I would create my final outcome. I presented my prototypes to a small group and I was very pleased with the feedback I received as it was very useful for how to develop the brief.

These are the key points I received back:

  • Create a set of posters maybe 3 as a collective
  • Try using various other animals instead of the gorilla 
  • Create an advert opposite to what Pepsi want it to look like (negative)
  • Try to think of slogans 
  • Maybe try Beyonce's head on the gorilla (could be offensive but would create shock and a discussion)
  • Try collaging onto stills from Beyonce's music videos 
The feedback points and ideas I got from this small group critique were very useful, the point that excited me most was using stills from Beyonce's music videos I thought this may be a very interesting thing to experiment with. Using the same techniques as the gorilla girls, and overlaying similar text I put on my prototypes I would collage over some of her music video stills.

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