Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Monday 5 November 2018

COP3: Research- Signage and Wayfinding Design, Chris Calori and David Vanden-Eynden

A complete guide to creating environmental graphic design systems

- Environmental Graphic Design, that is, the design of graphics in the built environment (pg5)
- Signage and wayfinding- which orients people to a site and helps them navigate it
- Interpretation- which tells a story about a site (about the meaning of a concept or theme or object)
- Placemaking- which creates a distinctive image for a site
- Primary objective of a signage programme is to help people find their way through an environment, whereas effective wayfinding solutions often involve more than signage alone (pg6)
- Wayfinding is an active process, requiring mental engagement and attention to the environment one is trying to navigate (pg6)
- Signage and interpretive exhibits can create a sense of place, as can gateways, portals, gathering points and landmarks (pg7)
- Purpose of EGD to communicate meaningful information via words, symbols, diagrams and images
- Due to this expressed communication function, EGD plays a key and increasingly recognised role in how people use and experience the built environment (pg10)
-EGD is concerned with the graphic communication of information in the built environment, which is just about anything built by human intent (pg 24)


Design Process Model

Methods for defining sign types vary, but the two basic approaches are to type signs by:

Physical characteristics- such as size, shape, material, mounting method, graphic application technique
Communication function- such as whether the sign communicates identification, direction or another kind of information

- All design drawings must be dimensioned (pg52)
- It's wise not to rely on the use of colour to communicate important information (pg51)

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