Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Sunday 29 October 2017

Analysis of Children's books from the library

John Berger, Ways Of Seeing

Although not a book created for children, it definitely was useful in terms of research and possible quotes that I could use within my essay. 

The Gift, Carol Ann Duffy, Illustrated by Rob Ryan

A really beautiful book with all the imagery and illustration by Rob Ryan and a long poem throughout by Carol Ann Duffy, I think this would be for a older child especially advanced at reading (6+). In terms of the imagery used, they aren't the most realistic and descriptive but there is nothing made up within it.

Walk This World, Lotta Nieminen

This book is different to the others because it is a lot more interactive, it has small flaps which the child can open and close, this will immediately make this book more fun for them as children like things that help them learn kinetically. 

Where Is The Cake?, T.T. Khing

This book has no words, its just complete illustrations. This was the only book I found in the library where there were no words at all throughout the story, I'm not quite sure this would at all be educational and helpful for children. It would definitely be visual for them however a book with no words can be quite challenging. 

A First Book Of Nature, Nicola Davies, Illustrated by Mark Hearld

This is the most educational book I think I found in the library, it's all about nature and again the book is very interactive and educational. Its very visual for the child with lots of appropriate imagery and colours, teaching about all aspects of nature and the seasons.

I Will Not Ever Never Eat A Tomato, Lauren Child

This book was my favourite growing up and I think Lauren Child is very clever with her story writing  and imagery in terms of how the books are put together. They are always incredibly detailed and try to be as realistic as possible while still having the cartoon drawings of the characters,  

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