Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Study Task 02 - Male Gaze theory

Firstly, looking at Mulvey's 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema', she begins by talking about Freud's theory of 'Castration' and that men live their fantasies by admiring women on screen to fulfil their 'fantasies and obsessions'. She argues that women are a 'signifier for the male other'. This is further reinforced through Storey's response to her text as women are 'the object of male desire' and the 'signifier of the threat of castration.

Dyer has a different opinion to Mulvey and in 'Stars' there is a criticism that the 'male body' is also looked at in the similar way to women. His opinions also differ from both Mulvey and Storey has Dyer states that desire can be found within 'power in the performance', meaning the roles have switched and women may now be in control.

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