Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Monday 14 January 2019

COP3: Practical Brief- Developed Sketches

Furthermore, using my initial sketch ideas, I took the best two forward and developed them into a lot more detail and colour coded them so they were a lot easier to understand. As I was not able to physically create this room, it was important that my sketches were as detailed as they could be in order for the work created to be understood clearly. Adding small illustrations where I could meant that whoever would be looking at this plan, for example if it were a situation where it was being proposed to the university to possibly be considered for a room included. The two sketches may seem quite similar, but the close detail shows how they differ in terms of where things are placed, it was important to keep in mind Gamper’s statements of people considering the importance of everyday objects and how they affect their behaviours. Within figure 1, there is a big emphasis on the beanbag area of the space, this encourages students to interact with others to perhaps share any thoughts or just general conversation. This interaction allows individuals to consider both themselves and others around them. This is contrasted in figure 2 where there is a lot more emphasis on having a more quiet and alone space for the student, I decided that this may be slightly more beneficial as it can allow them to be a lot more calm and relaxed, ultimately leading them to be more mindful.

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