Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Monday 14 January 2019

COP3: Practical Brief- Initial Sketches

These quick thumbnail like sketches are just different variations of how I would want the layout of the space to be set up. They are not in great detail as I am yet to decide on how I want the final design to look but just experiments of how I think the space can be best utilised and have the best benefit for students in terms of having an area where they can practice being more mindful.

I think having both benches and beanbags can offer a nice calm environment for people using the space, I like the ideas of the benches facing out the windows so that students can look out, have windows open and feel they have a better area to breathe and relax. I do not want this space in any way to look like a working studio therefore the organisation does not need to be fully uniformed or organised because it should have a relaxed feel to it.

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