Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Tuesday 15 January 2019

COP3: Practical Brief Evaluation

Overall, I think the practical response to this brief has been carried out successfully as I have had a clear idea of what to do from the outset and have not struggled with any aspect of how I wanted to go about producing the final outcome. From having a lot of research and knowledge of this topic after writing the first part of this brief, my intentions for the outcome had to be clear and had to reflect on from the essay. The brief for the practical outcome asked to relate on the same literary sources as the essay, I think I have successfully been able to do this as I have drawn a lot from Martino Gamper, Jon Kobat-Zinn and the Mindfulness Design Company. The space is designed for students, I thought this would be the most appropriate and successful because they struggle a lot in terms of coping with stress. Therefore having this space within their university gives them a chance to escape for a short while to an area that is a lot more calm and relaxed. I think the downfall of the practical outcome lies with how I have managed to show what the room would look like, I found it difficult to portray it down through sketches and drawings as I was hoping to produce it in a architectural style, however I don’t think this has worked out as well as I hoped it would. Luckily I have been able to explain my ideas through the blog posts and these design boards so people will understand the intentions behind each decision made.

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