Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Friday 21 April 2017

COP1 Reflection and Evaluation

Overall, throughout the first year of context of practice 1, I have been able to work in a completely different way to the studio practical work. Although it has been quite challenging to complete 3 essays because I do not have much practice in writing about graphic design in this way, I have enjoyed researching into various books and texts to gather up the different opinions of designers and find out why they may work in a certain way. It has allowed me to take advantage of the library space within the university and has opened my eyes to all of the existing books designers have written about consumerism and branding in particular. In terms of whether I have actually enjoyed what I have written about, I don’t think I was completely happy with my choice of question once it came to writing up the essay but the further research I did the easier it became to write about. The process of context of practice has allowed me to expand on my writing skills and completing essays based on design has been interesting. I have enjoyed the COP sessions every Tuesday and thought they were really helpful and informative for when it came to my outcomes, it was a good opportunity to discuss with others and I think if we had more group critiques even about the essay questions then it would have been even more helpful to the essays and outcomes. Alongside the sessions every week, I have also enjoyed most of the lectures every Wednesday because each week the topic was different and interesting in terms of various aspects of design. I consider these important because they have informed my practice not only in COP but my studio work too as I have learnt about designs history and technology. My aims for context of practice 2 is to definitely keep on top of the work because there has been a lot to complete, however I have not felt any of this work has been rushed because I did plan out my time efficiently and there was nothing I had to complete last minute. I want to continue reading various design books and hopefully choose a slightly more interesting topic to write about next year and to continue to attend each session and lecture each week.

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