Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Lecture 13: Design and Modernism

Modernism emerges out of the subjective responses of modernity.

1. Anti-Historicism
2. Truth to Materials
3. Form follows function
4. Technology
5. Internationalism- neutral but universal language/utopian hope to bring the world together

Bauhaus style cutlery- Ikea now have very similar style designs
They weren't trendy or decorative

 Anti-historicism–no need to look backward to older styles
“Ornament is crime” – Adolf Loos (1908)

- A language of design that could be recognised by any country e.g Harry Beck's London Underground Map created in 1933.

Russian revolution 1917-1936- invented a visual language thats anti-historical and forward looking

Stepanova & Popova: 
VKhUTEMAS- Progressive Art School

They were kust like the Bauhaus but soveit

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