Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Lecture 15: Recap and Link To Level 5

-These lecture will inform studio practice in terms of research and practical outcomes
-Pose more questions than answers about how they actually relate

-Our job is to communicate
-We are problem solvers
-We are interested in words/language/message and meaning
-The industries expectation is that we can communicate this

What happens next..... How does this help for the future
  • exploring discipline specific content
  • developing individual areas of interest
  • formulating research questions 
  • developing practical and contextual research skills
  • writing research project proposals
  • research informed practice and academic writing 

Research questions to consider for Level 5...
  1. What is good? 
  2. To what extent do the individual politics of professional practitioners impact on the roleani function of Graphic Design
  3. In an era of globalisation, to what extent do graphic design practices reflect core British values
  4. To what extent do technological developments in production and distribution impact on graphic design? 
  5. To what extent has graphic design constructed our understanding or view of historical events and perceptions of truth?
  6. To what extent does aesthetic style reflect the context, audience and function of contemporary graphic design

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