Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Lecture 9: Consumerism - Persuasion, Society, Brand, Culture

Sigmund Freud

  • Psychoanalysis – method of treatment
  • Constantly repressed for the sake of keeping a civilised society. We don’t do the things that we want, we do what we think is right and will keep people happy.
  • The conscious mind = tip of giant iceberg
  • Fundamental tension between civilisation and the individual. We must suppress our animalistic instincts to maintain a level of civilisation.
Edward Bernays


  • Press Agent
  • Employed by public information during WW1
  • Post war- set up ‘The Council on Public Relations’
  • Birth of PR
  • Based on the ideas of Freud (his uncle).
  • Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923)
  • Propaganda (1928) 

Marketing hidden needs
  • Sellin gego-gratification
  • Selling Creative Outlets
  • Selling Love Objects
  • Selling sense of power
  • Selling a sense of roots
Selling immortality 

  • Consumerism is an ideological project
  • We believe that through consumption our desires can be met
  • The Consumer Self
  • The legacy of Bernays / PR can be felt in all aspects of

C21st society

  •  The conflicts between alternative models of social organisation continue to this day.
  •  To what extent are our lives ‘free’ under the Western Consumerist system? 

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