Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Part 2: Visual Investigation Brief

PART 2 (visual investigation):
In part 2 of this studio brief you will develop a graphic design response to your chosen question. Your practical work will build on your knowledge established through your critical writing and explore through practice the creative, practical and pragmatic issues and circumstances surrounding your chosen topic and question. In this way, your practical work should endeavour to "answer" your chosen question through practical means. Since you will be producing a graphic design response, your work must show that you have an increasingly advanced understanding of the purposes and processes of graphic design practice. That is, it must have a clear brief and a thoroughly documented and assessable design process.
Your practical outcome will be documented through design boards in the same way as is required from other studio modules. Be sure to cross reference information learned and established through your critical writing in the development and documentation of your practical response.
 6 design boards documenting your graphic design response

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