Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Saturday 11 August 2018

Study Task 07: CoP2 Project Statement

To what extent do picture and storybooks have an effect on children's visual development? The title of my essay was to explore the effects picture and story books have when it comes to the visual development of children. This essay question allowed me to research into factors for both positive and negative effects on picture books to encourage children to read and to also learn.
The texts and articles that I have read to help inform this essay have been helpful as it allowed me to gather arguments and quotes for both for and against the question and give an informative and knowledgeable answer based on what I gathered. The two articles that I found whilst carrying out my research were really helpful when it came to writing the essay, one article was in response to another therefore they both had good solid arguments for and against and the articles were incredibly informative and backed up with solid points. It was difficult to find more literature books to help with quotes and reasons to back up the essay as not many books I found talked about the use of picture books so it did become confusing at times.

Moreover, this research and essay was helpful to establish a brief for the practical project as I had all of the information there, it was just a case of deciding how to put it all together and produce a design piece relating to the written aspect of the module. It references my written piece of work as I have used direct quotes from my essay and referenced the texts I have used. 

Overall, I think the cross referencing and the links between both the written and the practical of this module both work alongside each other as the practical is a direct response to the essay and works for the positive side of the argument.

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