Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Saturday 11 August 2018

Study Task 06- Write A Brief (practical)

BA (hons) Graphic Design

Context of practice 2: Practical brief template


Ciara O’Callaghan

Brief title

Picture books with Parents

Brief (outline the general aims of the project)

Produce a poster/series of posters to encourage/educate parents on the importance of picture books in order to progress their child’s visual development. It should have a positive focus on encouraging the use of picture books and the reasons and benefits to why they have a helpful impact on children’s visual development.

Background / considerations 


-Poster design
-Proposal/letter to schools to distribute to parents and to put up around schools
-x6 design boards

Mandatory requirements (essential requirements that must be followed)

-Key focus on the target audience- Parents
-Ensure the poster is also child friendly
-Bright and bold colours
-Ensure the poster(s) are informative
-Link back to essay

Research: references to reading (essay)

Bosman, J. (2010). Picture Books No Longer A Staple For Children.Available: Last accessed 8th August 2018.

Calabrese, L. (2010). How Picture Books Play A Role In A Child’s Development. Available:’s-development.html. Last accessed 8th August 2018.

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