Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Refined Essay Question

After struggling to get into writing the essay in response to the question, ‘How is Visual Communication used for child development?’ I have decided the essay title needs re writing because I am struggling to answer the question and use my research to also write my essay. Therefore I feel like this is a sensible decision to make.

As I want my essay to focus a lot more on the use of picture and story books, I think this needs to be used within the title, I also feel the question needs to give me more of an opportunity to argue different points.

-To what extent do picture books have on a child's visual development?

-To what extent can child's development be influenced by picture books?

-To what extent can picture books and story books have on children's visual development?

-To what extent do picture and story books have on children's visual development?

To what extent do picture and story books have an effect on children's visual development?

This is a much better essay title and something I feel like I have more confidence in answering.

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