Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Friday 10 August 2018

Practical Research: Emily Gravett

Emily Gravett is a children's book illustrator and author. Her work was suggested to me from the previous article about being informative picture books for children.

Her website is incredibly interactive and child-friendly as the home page allows you to take a tour, showing you how to navigate around the website.

This is the bookshelf of all of Emily Gravett's books, you can arrange them by title but also by age, they rang from 0-8.


Dog's is the first book that comes up recommended for ages 0-2, I don't own this book but I have done some research online about the pages that are included to get an idea of what they are like. As shown in the images above, there is very minimal text on the page and they are mostly filled with illustrations of dogs. I am assuming this kind of book would be read out to a child rather than them reading themselves at the ages of 0-2. I also wouldn't class this as the most informative kind of picture book that could be used to be teaching a child, it is more for their enjoyment.

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