Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Sunday 4 August 2019

COP3: Practical- Promotional Posters

Having some promotional posters to advertise the space is something that is important as they can be placed around the university so students are aware of the space being created and know that it exists. It can create a buzz and excitement around something meaning the space will gather up attention.

This also means I will have some graphic design work to submit for this module as that is the key thing to consider in order to pass the module.

What the poster should include:

  • Name of space
  • Brief description of space
  • Mindfulness definition
  • Where the space is within the university 
  • Some imagery/ shapes
  • Doesn't have to be limited to one poster, could be a collection
  • One with the mindfulness definition on it- don't want to overcrowd the poster
  • Another with the information on the space and where to find it
  • Neutral and simple colours
  • Readable typography 
  • Minimal text 
  • Large enough to be seen on posters

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