Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Saturday 3 August 2019

COP3: Practical- Poster Designing, Initial Background

This is the initial poster design and layout I have created in Photoshop, the only information that is included so far is the 'title' of the infographic poster, clearly labelling what the information is about.

I have initially chosen colours at random, however, as I am wanting this poster to be part of a pitch to create a mindfulness space, I am going to change the colours to something that are a lot more calming and relaxing for the reader to view and colours that are more commonly associated with mindfulness. 

I think these colour schemes are much more suited to the poster and the information that is included on the poster as I am creating a mindful space, therefore a relaxing and calm environment and it is important that any of my practical work also follows this.

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