Studio Brief 3 - Critical reflection and proposal

Saturday 3 August 2019

COP3: Practical- Final Infographic Poster

This is the final, completed infographic poster which will be used within my pitch to create a space within the university to encourage mindfulness and relaxation. Overall, I am pleased with this poster and I think it really helps with the more technical side of the practical brief as I am not physically creating the space but need as much information and planning to explain the idea and pitch it. 

In terms of creating an infographic I think I have done a good job as it definitely responds to the definition of one :

"An infographic (information graphic) is a visual representation of information which aims to make the data easily understandable at a first glance.
An infographic makes minimal use of text and can be a powerful tool for displaying data, explaining concepts, simplifying presentations, mapping relationships, showing trends and providing essential insights. The use of compelling images on an infographic can make what is an abstract idea that much easier to understand (hence infographics popularity in marketing and instruction). Infographics simplify large data sets providing a high-level view and making them easier to digest at first glance. They help convey data in a compact and shareable form."
Thus making the first physical practical outcome of the brief a success. This also means in terms of my re submission I already know I will be submitting 'graphic design' work in order to meet the learning outcomes.

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